Best Time to Post on Pinterest

Best Time To Post on Pinterest for Online Sellers in 2024

Having a hard time making your Pinterest boards drive sales? Many are in the same boat. With more than 518 million active users (as per Statista), Pinterest has a huge crowd for those selling online. Yet, the secret to tapping into this option is all about good timing, similar to finding buyers at busy times in a real shop. This leads us to ask: is there a “best time to post on Pinterest for online sellers”? We’re going to look into the best times to post and give you tips to set your timetable for the widest reach and most sales.

Based on 50,000+ Pinterest users on Outfy, Sundays, Mondays, and Tuesdays are generally the best days to post on Pinterest in 2024. Conversely, Thursdays and Fridays tend to see lower engagement.

Best Time To Pin on Pinterest
  • Sundays: Focus on evenings with peak times between 8 PM and 10 PM. Additionally, consider a midday post around 12 PM. People might be relaxing and browsing for inspiration after the weekend rush.

  • Monday: Evenings are still strong contenders with 8 PM and 9 PM being prime posting times. However, afternoons shouldn’t be neglected – experiment with posting between 2 PM and 4 PM.

  • Tuesdays: Similar to Mondays, evenings are more preferred with 8 PM and 9 PM ideal. The 3 PM to 4 PM window remains a good option for afternoon testing.

  • Wednesdays: While evenings are still an option (8 PM to 9 PM), consider prioritizing afternoons with a stronger focus on the 2 PM to 4 PM window.
  • Thursdays: Experiment with posting during afternoons (2 PM to 6 PM) and evenings (8 PM to 9 PM).
  • Fridays: Similar to Thursdays, engagement dips on Fridays. However, afternoon posting between 2 PM and 6 PM might yield some results.
  • Saturdays: Consider evenings (6 PM to 7 PM) or a late-morning post around 11 AM.

Remember, these are general guidelines. We’ll discuss the reasoning behind these trends and emphasize the importance of testing to determine the best times for your specific audience.

Understanding your unique audience is crucial for optimizing your posting schedule. Here are some tips to find the best time post on Pinterest for your Audience:

  • Identify your target audience: Who are you trying to reach? Age, location, profession, and interests all play a role.
  • Research their online habits: When are they most active on Pinterest? Tools like Pinterest analytics and competitor analysis can be valuable allies.
  • Experiment and track results: Use a scheduling tool like Outfy to test different posting times and track engagement metrics like saves, clicks, and conversions.

By tailoring your posting schedule to your audience’s peak activity times, you can significantly increase your reach and engagement.

While timing is a crucial piece of the puzzle, it’s certainly not the only factor. High-quality visuals, captivating descriptions that go beyond basic product details, and strategically chosen keywords are all essential ingredients for boosting engagement and driving sales on Pinterest.

Here are some additional tips:

  • Use high-quality images and videos: Visuals are the heart of Pinterest. Invest in captivating photos and consider using video to showcase your products in action.

  • Create compelling descriptions: Go beyond basic product descriptions. Tell a story, highlight features and benefits, and use relevant keywords.

  • Utilize relevant keywords: Conduct keyword research to identify terms your target audience is searching for and incorporate them naturally into your board titles, descriptions, and pin titles.

  • Join relevant boards: Participate in community boards related to your niche. This increases visibility and allows you to connect with potential customers.

  • Run contests and giveaways: Host engaging contests and giveaways to attract new followers and boost brand awareness.

  • Promote your Pinterest across platforms: Share your Pinterest boards and profile on other social media channels and your website to drive traffic. Consistency is key! Regularly post fresh, engaging content and stay active on the platform to maintain momentum and build a loyal following.

Creating high-quality visual content for Pinterest can be time-consuming. Consider using a tool like Outfy. Outfy is an AI-Powered social media management tool specifically designed for online stores. It uses AI to automatically create engaging content like videos, collages, and Animated GIFs featuring your products. This can save you a significant amount of time and effort, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your business.

By understanding the power of timing and tailoring it to your specific audience, you can transform your Pinterest presence from a lonely echo chamber into a thriving sales channel. Combine strategic timing with high-quality visuals, engaging descriptions, and a commitment to community building, and you’ll be well on your way to Pinterest success.

Ready to take your Pinterest game to the next level? Start by implementing the tips and strategies outlined above. With a bit of planning and experimentation, you can unlock the true potential of Pinterest and turn it into a powerful sales engine for your online business.


About the author

Himanshu Rawat is a social media specialist at Outfy. He helps e-commerce businesses boost their online presence using innovative social media strategies and Outfy’s automation tools. With expertise in digital marketing, Himanshu creates impactful content and promotional campaigns. Outside of work, he stays updated with the latest trends in social media and e-commerce.

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